Terms of Service


Effective Date:  August 16, 2023

Thank you for visiting our website (liquiduspro.com) (this “Website” or the “Website”).


Liquidus does not provide, and no portion of Content purports to be, individualized or specific investment advice and Liquidus does not provide investment advice to individuals.  All information provided by Liquidus is impersonal, general in nature and is made without regard to individual levels of sophistication or investment experience, investment preferences, objectives or risk parameters and without regard to the suitability of the Content for individuals or entities who may access it. Liquidus does not provide legal or tax opinions.  No information found on the Website, nor any Services provided by Liquidus, should be construed as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security or investment vehicle, nor should it be construed as tailored or specific to you, or any reader or consumer thereof. You understand and agree that Content does not constitute specific recommendations of any particular investment, security, portfolio, transaction or strategy, nor does it recommend any specific course of action is suitable for any specific person or entity or group of persons or entities.

You understand and agree that the views expressed in Content are the opinions of the authors; the Company does not instruct its employees what opinions to hold and that opinions of one of the Company’s Content authors may differ from the opinions held by another on the same topic, or may change without notice—specifically, Content authors may even have conflicting, or contradictory at times, opinions about a topic. Conflicting or contradictory opinions may exist between Services because certain Services may take into account metrics, timelines, or market factors that are not applicable to other Services. You understand and agree that past results are not indicative of future performance.

You understand and agree that the views expressed in Content are derived from sources generally believed to be reliable, but that the Company is not liable for any errors, omissions, inaccuracies, or incomplete or out-of-date information contained within Content.

All investments entail a certain degree of risk and financial instrument prices can fluctuate based on several factors, including
those not considered in the preparation of the content. Consult your financial professional before investing.