Enhance your returns with systematic trend-following strategy for Bitcoin

Professionally managed trend-following strategies are great diversifiers to any portfolio. Why does the asset most suited to this type of approach not have something readily available? We present an easy-to-implement absolute return trend-following strategy for Bitcoin, which you can start adopting right now.

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Bitcoin trend history

Most trend-following strategies have one major downside to them. It is the inability to identify a consolidation or lack of trend.
Any, non actively managed strategy of such kind would produce a lot of false signals in such an environment, slowly chipping off the returns. But Bitcoin is very forgiving in this regard due to its incredible volatility characteristics and pronounced cyclical moves. So the numbers are as follows...

Latest Change in Bitcoin Signal was:


Return since the latest signal:

The signal is NEGATIVE now

A final pause before the real move into the ATH?

Jan 26, 2024

After 95 days of positive BTC price action and 43.8% collected, we are out of the market as of Friday, Jan 26th. This week confirms the first significant flow shift on a trending basis since we went long BTC on Oct 23rd, 2023.

Unusual change in correlations

Oct 23, 2023

It’s 23 October 2023, and the signal just flipped positive. It has been 2 months of sloppy price action and consolidation, but our biggest fears have subsided and we believe there is a good chance we finally break the 31-32k region. Both respond to the same catalysts with Bitcoin leading the way…

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